You cannot pour from an empty cup!  You just CAN’T!  Make sure you are taking care of YOU!  If you are run down, crabby, tired, with nothing left to give, what good are you to anyone?  Your husband, your kids, your co-workers, everyone depends on you.  Most of us spend our time worrying about the kids, the husband, our parents, our neighbors, the guy across the town, and other people you’ve never even met, before we take care of ourselves.  Guess what? It stops now!  Winter is just around the corner.  This year, take care of you!  Fill your cup and see just how much MORE you have to GIVE to others!  After all, tis the season to give!
Young Living Products that are a must have for me are:
Super B- this not only will help to flush your body of toxins, but it also gives you the BOOST of energy you need every day!  Not to mention, it helps with those nasty moods we tend to get into this time of the year! *Bah humbug!*
NingXia Red- this is head to toe support for the body! Packed full of antioxidants!  This is great for the whole family to enjoy!  This helps me to feel good, but it also helps to maintain my energy levels every day!
Sulfurzyme- this is a head to toe support for your body!  Want great hair, skin and nails? Want joints that can move without the creaking noise? This will do amazing things for your body!  A must have daily for me!
Master Formula- this is a multivitamin that also has the CoQ10, OmegaGize, Vitamin D3 & many other vital vitamins and minerals!  Talk about a mood adjustment during the Winter months!  Last year, I was so happy and had lots of energy! I was looking a lot less blue!  Plus I felt amazing!
Life9- Formally known as Life5, now with MORE strains to help support a healthy gut!  This is imperative year round! Life changer for many people!
Don’t forget the enzymes!  After those BIG MEALS and SUGARY TREATS, you need an enzyme!  Essentialzyme 4 is my favorite!

I use to be that tired, grumbling, sick mom who always gave, but never took care of myself.  Now that I have my health, my energy, I am so happy and grateful!  My life couldn’t be any better! I am that mom that can get out and get down with her kids!  I plan to be that grandmother that has so much energy, no one can keep up with me, not even the kids!  Take care of yourself now!

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